Building confidence in your own


          Health is the keystone to success! Health and success are closely related to each other.
Only person who is in excellent physical shape is able to invest maximum amount of time into his business with full devotion. But reaching of success demands a lot of efforts and energy. Very often it happens that someone reached desired result but his health is so worsened that in such condition he can’t fully use the results of the work.

          But at smaller efforts it will be necessary to walk a longer way to success which demands time.

         One of the main factors of reaching of success is a maintaining of excellent health (reaching high level of adaptive abilities and functional reserves of your body) in the process of reaching your goals. You need trainings for restoration of energy used in the process of achievement of goals and strengthening of health. The necessity of saving and improving health is quite obvious: you still have to use the results of your future success. However the amount of time that is used for training should be minimal inasmuch as maximum of time you have to use for achieving of set goals. One shouldn’t increase the intensity of trainings without control of functional condition of the body inasmuch as additional increase of emotional and physical loads can cause the level of stress which is harmful for health. Instead of bringing use trainings can become a powerful obstacle on the way to success and as minimum can lead to depression.

          The only way of quick reaching and saving of excellent physical shape is это   SäFitness and taking of Evig Vår and Phoenix products. This way creates a basis for reaching of success due to intellectual approach to fitness and reasonable nutrition.