Astragalus dasyanthus Pall
Family - Fabaceae
Astragalus dasyanthus pall is a perennial herb with green compound leaves, an average of 35 cm long. Each blossom cluster consists of 10 to 20 yellow flowers athatre gathered on the long flower-bearing stems. Its fruit is an elliptic shape bean, 10 to 12 cm in length . All parts of the plant except the corona are pubescent with white fuzz. The plant flowers from May toJune and fruiting in July-August.
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Geographic Distribution. It occurs on the southwestern part of Russia, in Ukraine, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova.
Habitat. In nature the species grows on sandy, rocky or calcareous soil types with low or average-low humus content. Mostly found in steppes, in open areas, on the slopes of gullies and river valleys. It can’t survive shade and excessive watering. It disappears fast in cases of intensive grazing and pasturing.
Protective status. Astragalus is a rare and vulnerable plant. It has been included in the Red List Europe as endangered since 1991. Collecting raw materials of Astragalus in nature should be minimized as much as possible, since the species needs to be protected.
Chemical composition. Aboveground part of Astragalus contains triterpenoid saponins - dasyanthosides, derivatives of dasyanthogenin; flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, astragaloside); tannins; coumarins; amino acids; vitamins, including alpha-tocopherol (vitamin Е). Astragalus is an herb that accumulates selenium (up to 1.5 mg%). Astragalus contains huge amount of various macro- and microelements: Ca, Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Co, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, Cr, Se.
Medical standard: ФС 42-533-72. Pharmacopoeia USSR.
Pharmacotherapeutic group. Hypotensive, vasodilator, sedative remedy.
Pharmacological properties. Astragalus contains biologically active substances that provide a wide range of pharmacological effects. Astragalus infusions have sedative, hypotensive, vasodilator, cardiotonic and diuretic properties. Along with sedative and hypotensive activity Astragalus provides effects analogous to cardiotonic glycosides and dilates coronary vessels, renal vessels and increases the diuresis. In the experimental study on Astragalus it was observed an increase in the duration of action of drugs and sleeping pills, improved cerebral blood and oxygen supply. The hypotensive effect is also provided by vasodilating properties of Astragalus and increased urine output due to the improved renal hemodynamics, increased glomerular filtration rate. Coronary vasodilating feature and ability of Astragalus to increase cardiac contractility together with the effect of slowing down the heart rate improves general and organ hemodynamics. Astragalus contains a unique natural complex of the tocopherols and selenium which is needed for muscle activity. This complex is used in clinical practice in cases of various muscular dystrophies. In addition, Astragalus normalizes the function of coagulative and anticoagulative systems of blood.
Application. Astragalus is used in instances of the primary stage of hypertension. During treatment with Astragalus extract, patients observed significantly improved health. Headaches were relieved and there was also a decrease in blood pressure,, dizziness, tinnitus, flushing to the head, flashing "flies" before the eyes, insomnia, paresthesia, and heart functioning abonormalties. Under the influence of a treatment with Astragalus the blood microcirculation was improved. The improvement of cerebral blood flow in case of patients with hypertension was accompanied with decreased blood pressure in the central retinal artery and the temporal artery. During the treatment, patients with ischemic heart disease with Astragalus extract it was taken into account that in addition to antihypertensive and cardiotonic properties Astragalus has an ability to inhibit vasomotor control centers. The positive impact of Astragalus on the blood coagulation system is reflected in the increase in blood clotting time, an increase of plasma tolerance to heparin, an increase of free heparin, and a normalization of fibrinolysis. During the treatment of patients with chronic circulatory insufficiency in heart diseases and degenerative processes in the myocardium, it was observed a decrease of the venous pressure, increased diuresis, reduced swelling, reduced shortness of breath and cyanosis. Astragalus has wound healing and epithelizing effect when used topically. An infusion of astralgaus can be taken orally or as rinse in the case of gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis.
There were observed no complications or side effects caused by the use of Astragalus.
1. The monograph of professor K.I. Stepashkina “Astragalus and its use in clinical practice». - Kiev.: Gosmedizdat USSR – 1959. 108 pp
2. G.V. Lavrenova, V.K. Lavrenov “Complete Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants”, 2008
3. A.D. Turova, E.N. Sapozhnikova “Medicinal plants of the USSR and their application”, Moscow “Medicine”, 1984.