History of Evig Vår and Phoenix herbal mixes

World War II was in full swing. German troops occupied Crimea. Curiously, German scientists suddenly started researching ancient settlements and barrows in Crimea. But what forced them to launch these archaeological investigations in such a difficult and bloody period of the war?
They were following the directions of Hitler. They searched for one of the treasures of the Scythian kings: gold plates with the images of medicinal plants. The Greeks had described this gold handbook as a set of gold plates with an image of a medicinal plant in the centre, and an image of an illness cured by this plant at the bottom of plate. The aim of the searches was to find an image of the Scythian “Herb of Life”. This plate was believed to contain an image of an old man riding a horse. There was no doubt that the gold handbook existed but all traces of it disappeared after the crushing defeat of the Scythians by Gothic tribes.
According to the legends of Goths, the gold handbook was buried somewhere in the territory of Ostrogoth’s state in Crimea. According to the Greek description, the “Herb of Life” (or Herb of Immortality) was exclusively used for treating kings and members of the royal family. That’s why another name for the herb was “Royal Herb”. But the most astonishing fact was that this herb cured old age. It prolonged youth and allowed old men to ride in the saddle for tens of kilometres and take part in battles on a level with young warriors. It was forbidden by law to use the herb for treating commoners. Breaking law was punishing by death.
Indirect evidence of the miraculous features of the “Herb of Life” are the facts that Scythian king Ateas was killed in 339 BC at age of 90 and the
great chief of the Ostrogoths, Hermanarich, died at the age of 110, actively governing the state until the last moment of his life. He committed suicide aged 110 because he could not psychologically bear the sufferings of the severe wounds and onslaught of the Huns. In fact it was Hermanarich’s Ostrogoths who obtained the ancient gold pharmaceutical handbook of the Scythians.
Russia asserts that the searches of the German scientists in Crimea were successful. They didn’t find the complete gold handbook. They found just 5 plates. But among these was the plate that contained the image of the “Herb of Life”. Plates were photographed and sent to Germany. Whether Germans found the “Herb of Life” in Crimea or not is unknown. The gold plates from the Scythian gold handbook, which had been sent to Germany, disappeared without a trace in 1945.
In Russia, the information about the Germans who sought this special herb for Hitler was gained from military intelligence. In Moscow, the active searches for the herb began because Stalin’s health worsened. The analysis of military intelligence data and ancient recipes a llo wed the identification of the Scythian “Herb of Life” as one of 2000 kinds of astragalus.
Company Satek Sweden HB is the first in the world to offer biologically active supplements in the form of a herbal mix containing the legendary “Herb of Immortality”. All our herbs are grown under special organic and ecological conditions, which far exceed the EU requirements for the production of organic products.